Thread: *Taping*
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Old 08-19-2003, 02:02 PM   #19
Eskimo Regular
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Ireland
Posts: 398

Isn't Fiona Damien's sister? Some close relation anyway, so I'm guessing she'd be more protective of his music and see taping as a threat. That's quite a loose guess though (c;

As far as having your own publishing company, I was sure that Damien released O entirely himself in Ireland, setting up his own label and he has full copyright of the songs. Surely he'd have as much control over copyrighting them as Dave Matthews Band then, or is it laziness again? Someone can correct me on this because I'm not 100% on the situation of Damien's label in Ireland (I know he signed to another in the US).

The thing with strict policies on taping is that the recordings seem to generally be worse. I've found the more it's encouraged, the more some people go to an effort of getting a decent rig together and recording properly. Other than that it's just people with some crap mic they found around their house plugged into a minidisc without a preamp in their pocket. 90% of the Damien shows out there arepretty badquality.

A lot of the points raised here are really good one's that I've tried to bring up in the past. Overall I'm hoping managements will actually see taping as a postive thing if they approach it the right way. So many artists out their (mainly in the US)have won over half their audience through them hearing a (legit.) bootleg. I've gotten into many bands and bought their albums only after hearing some bootlegs, to appreciate how good they are live.
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