Thread: New York 2019
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Old 01-25-2019, 09:25 PM   #28
Eskimo Regular
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 404

This are going predictably weird at the Q & A matinee

01 Trusty and true
02 Delicate

"the new songs are about friendship instead of romantic relationships... instead of asking for something from someone its about letting them know 'hey I'm here'
03 Astronaut
"we finished a record two weeks ago"
04 100 miles
05 Rootless Tree

Question about guitars, the guitar has four outputs, older guitars sound better but I don't know why, people have explained it to me and I forget
06 Stone
07 The Professor -> La Fille Danse

Q2.... Sailing adventures. Songwriting is a toilet for me... I smear my emotional crap on other people... Delicate just pops out in no time at all...
Q3 if you could only play one of your songs for the rest of your life, which would you choose? The last song I've written
08 DM A improv, Blue (one verse)
09 Elephant

Q4 what's the biggest change in your life in ten years? I used to think romance is the key to love.... Saving my virginity for my true love... Then I realized the version of love I had in my head had been fed to me by movie and songs.... This perfect notion I had is the opposite of what true lov ewas... How to be great with someone else being everything they are instead of trying to mold them into this perfect notion of what true love is
10 The greatest Bastard
Q5 influence from a generation older than you and who's making most honest music younger than you....... Prince, but I don't like the word influence.. More like inspired, why I picked up guitar... Soon after Leonard Cohen... He became a mountaintop to look to... Biggest influence on music is people I meet, the generosity and connections I have with meeting another living creature
11 When Doves Cry - - >
12 Famous Blue Raincoat

Last edited by mario_d; 01-28-2019 at 10:25 PM.
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