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Old 07-09-2005, 12:34 AM   #7
Vegetable Eskimo
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Originally Posted by PenguinBoy
Originally Posted by noshorterthan3characters
beautiful and more respectful the Muslim religion is in pratice than Christianity

That's a bit of a generalised statement. fundamentally most religions have the same basis love thy neighbor, be good etc. I don't think anyone can really make a statement saying one religion is better than another. And allot of the grooming stuff is infact just the ways the old clerics got the people to be hygenic, they've just got carried on. And i don't know what music the christian religion probhibits, i haven't heard of anything of that nature before.
that is so true, i live in the widwest, among so many christian fundamentalists it's so frustrating. many, if not all, of them are good people, they just have the wrong ideas. i think it works the same with any kind of fundamentalism. i think religions are not necessary but still most people feel the need to practise one, and it depends on how they were raised. but religion becomes dangerous when people stop thinking or reasoning and just follow the ideas of intransigent, closed-minded people and the way they interpret those religions.

to use a very mild example, one day i was listening black sabbath, or s'thing like that, and a completely strange woman came up to my car and said that i was gonna go to hell for listening to the devil's music
Scrubs Ted and Kate Micucci Screw You (full song)
note: my name is NOT short for California
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