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Old 10-31-2011, 01:43 AM   #35
Eskimo Regular
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 118

[quote=Agent99;368290]How does this come off as Damien KNOWING he was going to fire her and waited until 5 minutes before the show? I don't see that.


on again off again relationships, rocky relationships, damien and lisa dating other people and then singing songs on stage about each other, lisa feeling like she was not being given a voice in how the band was run, and damien's admitting that he was a jerk back then, all sort of naturally lead me to believe that there wasnt some fight in munich and damien fired her without premedidation. Their relationship wasnt sturdy and stable and they had been having major problems, the interview says as much.

I certainly dont think things were hunky dory and perfect and lovey dovey as they got in their bus or whatever and rode to munich and then things suddenly turned bad and ugly and out of thin air damien says "you are fired".

"i was tired of working with her". You dont say that unless its thought out. They had been fighting and had problems for awhile.

I dont think a happy, loving couple, with little to no problems, suddenly becomes unglued all because of one argument. thats silly. there was stuff going on long before this.

read the article
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