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Old 09-28-2003, 05:22 PM   #8
Eskimo Regular
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: United States
Posts: 191

1) Okay, so Irish trading is stuck in 1990. Got it. But aren't the tapers themselves atleast educated? I mean, they spent all the money on rigs, don't they understand the difference?

2) Angela, could you upload a text file of any information about what it is? Location, Date, etc.

3) I have no idea what Lobby show it is, the MP3s are titled "live at the lobby" and there's, once again, no text file.... It opens with Delicate and closes with Me, My Yoke, And I if that helps.

4) Im not trying to be rude here, or personal to any of you specifically, just speaking in general terms. However, Irish fans don't care about quality, are perfectly happy to buy illegal recordings that the artist gets no profit from, and then they complain when artists like Damien spend more time touring the US? I don't understand at all.
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