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Old 06-06-2007, 08:20 PM   #11
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-Every Climatologist will tell you the Earth's temperature has been much hotter and colder than it is now.

ME: (Depending how you believe the world began, this is the Scientific View) Look at what period of time in which you are talking about. At one point in time, the world was molten rock, sure it would be hotter then but there was no life then. As the atmosphere took shape and earth cooled, life came about in the form of micro-organisms (The work of Prof. Urey). Photosynthetic life started producing Oxygen and life took hold from there. So yes...the world may be documented to be hotter than it is now, but there was no life.

-There was an Ice Age and it warmed up, there was a Mini Ice Age just 500 years ago and it has been warming up ever since. The Industrial Revolution was not around during those periods.

Me: The earth does have cycles. But from the data scientists have collected, the recent increase of temperature and the speed in which it has increased has been unparalleled. Given a slow change in time, animals and plants can adapt, but it has already been shown that changes in climate have thrown off natural cycles. (Birds breeding times and insect breeding times don't overlap anymore, causing birds to die off and insect populations to be uncontrolled.

-NASA reports because of Solar Flares the Sun is the hottest it has been in over 100 years. There are no cars on the sun.

Me: The sun is a totally different science. The sun is essentially a large fire ball and solar flares happen on the sun all the time. It is a burning ball of hydrogen and helium. The science of Global Warming/Climate Change on is that the more CO2 or other heat trapping gases (known as Green house gases) there is in the atmosphere, the more heat from the sun it traps. The Earth isn't producing it's own heat to sustain life, it is trapping a fraction of the sun's heat that touches the earth to heat the earth at a life sustaining level.

-Global warming is causing ice to melt on Mars. There are no cars on Mars.
Me: Greenhouse Gases may be responsible for that, CO2 does trap gases. Co2 can come from other sources besides cars. But that is not the same science again, as with the Sun example. Also, the problem with Global Warming on earth is the fact that it negatively effects life, so Mars is hardly a comparison.

-Thousands and thousands of studies and experiments prove that more carbon dioxide produces better fruits, vegetables, trees and almost any sort of plant life.

Me: Can you cite one example? CO2 has a bigger effect than just producing "better fruits vegetables, trees" as you say. Hypothetically, what good does more oxygen in the atmosphere do for us? We have become the organisms we are because of the way the world is. What I'm trying to say is, you can only inhale so much oxygen, how would that make you better? Plants can't infinitely soak up all the CO2, they have natural limits and needs. The true effects of CO2 can be see in the water. Excess CO2 in the water actually causes the water's pH to become more acidic. Thus effecting natural ocean life, such as the coral reefs. If you have ever had an aquarium, you know how important pH is for the wellness of your fish, plants, or corals.

-Most of the temperature increase happened before 1940 (Before most carbon dioxide was released by cars and factories)
Me: From what time period are you talking about and what was the temperature change?

-The hot year of 1998 was caused by El Nino.

Me: 10 of the hottest years on record was in the past 14 years. 2005 being the hottest, not 1998.

-Joining the Kyoto Protocol would cost the U.S. approximately $400 Billion every year and have virtually no effect on earths temperature.

Me: How so? The Kyoto Protocol may not be THE answer, but it couldn't hurt to be a part of the answer. How are you going to place the lives of humans, plants, and animals in the form of money?

And the stupid thing is, that Al Gore gives incorrect information! He says that the more co2, the warmer the earth gets. When its the other way around! When the earth gets warmer(as it does colder) the sea gives off more co2. Im not denying that global warming is happening, but its not our fault! BBC go to Antartica in the summer and say "this is out fault, look, it is melting" - But its summer, they do melt in summer! You may then be thinking that the ice caps are smaller than a few years ago - this is true. But the ice caps were far smaller 10 years ago when less human co2 was produced. How can we be causing global warming when the eart was far far warmer in the medeval warm period. And there wasn't any factories around then!

1) CO2 does cause the earth to get warmer. There isn't much scientific debate on that.
2) The ocean has been acting as a sponge for years. That is why the true effects of global warming has not been felt quite yet. It is claimed by professors at the Scripts institute of Oceanography that if all CO2 was stopped today (from cars, power plants) the ocean would continue to release the CO2 we put into it, back into the atmosphere to form equilibrium. So realyl the effects of CO2 will be felt long after we stop global emissions.
3) If you don't deny the fact that it's happening, how can you come to grips with the moral implications of it? There will be those effected by drought, flooding, lack of water, disease, displacement, and
Fight the Good Fight
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