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Old 06-06-2007, 09:47 PM   #14
Lord of Lovely
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 198

Ok, well heres what i know. the earth itself produces alot more CO2 gas than humans. and i mean a hell of alot more. and i believe on that basis and the basis of the suns heat being hotter the last decade or so is all the reason for the "worlds" problems with global warming.

However! the problem we face as humans, is a more lets say "localised" threat. i mean lets not be stupid, if you live in a city you will suffer greater from pollution, and the effect on humans will be worse and those human poulated areas will suffer, but as for the ice caps and whatnot, we contribute so little to it that it isnt really something we can change.

The whole thing of green tax was basically the government paying a scientist to gather ststistics to say its our fault so the government could tax us on it. Do you thin that with the smoking ban the government are just gonna sit back and let all that excess tax disapear. of course not, insted of just cancer stick smokers paying a tax, we all have to do so to make up for it.

So yeah, im not in any doubt, that our co2 emission do have a negative affect on US buit not really on the planet as a whole.

The earth and its cycils are so amazingly clever, i mean look a tthe facts, glbal warming will not and has never destroyed the eart, no ice age has ever killed the planet... no. the planet is much to smart for that in the way it operates. The planet will kill off humans long before we ever get the chance to destroy the planet. the plaent basically rotaes on a reset process, it gets too hot or too cold and the cycle starts over (resets), and the whole cycle will process again.

so in conclusion. Yes, we are harming oursleves, and the planet of our lifetimes, but the scale and life span of the planet is so vast that we are a drop in the sea, the whole planet will grow back and thrive again and again in years to come.
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