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Old 04-07-2007, 11:09 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by J.M.C
This entire post is bull****, it tells you completely nothing about the situation. The blog was written by a girl who obviously dosent get out much and thinks the way to make Lisa feel better is to keep telling her she is amazing. Several times she cant even remember who said what and even if any of it was true so what? she said she was supporting Gary? thats doesnt mean there dating does it and 2nd she is working on solo stuff in a couple of weeks? How you people come to the conclusion this is Damiens fault I will never know. You have got closure from a nothing blog wrote by a complete idiot....god its almost like you was there when it happend :-|
I had similar feelings when reading this 'text'. This woman sounds like a 13 year old gorl who just met with the Backstreet Boys and took some acid before writing down her experiences. Almost no facts, but lots of I love you's and other annoying comments. It is amazing how much she can write without actually saying anything. The only conclusion I can make from this is that a hysterical girl saw Lisa after a Snow Patrol concert, who was not too happy about her leaving the Damien Rice Band, and Shane is getting married.
"There's, another example. See, here I'm now sitting by myself, uh, er, talking to myself. That's, that's chaos."

"If you find you've got a dragon charging at you at thirty miles per hour snapping its teeth you can always drive it defensively through the covers"
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