Thread: Gamete Disease
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Old 07-26-2006, 03:57 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by brookefield
two gametes come together to make a zygote-a.k.a. fertilization-a.k.a. having a baby. all gametes produced by women (eggs) are female, or X gametes. males however produce both female-X, and male-Y gametes (sperm). as the Y gamete is specific to males only (where as both men and women have X gametes), i'm thinking that damien's "gamete disease" is representative of all males in general. so he's pretty much saying that every one with a yolk is essentially worthless. damien is a wise man...

i don't think he's necessarily talking about him having defective sperm...
hmm that's interesting, because i've heard men say that damien's music is negative toward women (woman like a man, etc.) but i never really agreed with that either.. i always switch genders when i listen to songs anyway so woman like a man is about a man (an actual one, because it suits him) when i listen to it..

and maybe it's not literally about defective sperm, but what if it's about impotency? (literal or metaphorical, physical or emotional)

"lovin is good if your dick's made of wood, and the dick left inside only half understood her"

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