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Old 04-12-2007, 10:01 PM   #89
World Cafe
Eskimo Baby
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 15

Ok Admin, I understand your point, and I hereby pledge to only post anything else in this thread if it is answering someone else's point or if it is something that hasn't been said yet. Is that a fair promise?

Originally Posted by cille
Ok I'll say it clearer:
I don't doubt they met her, I just don't see those encountering tales bringing out anything new in this whole ramskram.
This has got to lie down...
Mostly I agree with you, it mostly wasn't earthshaking, but it is the ONLY fan encounter with Lisa that I've heard about since she was axed. The single detail that I felt *was* news from that blog was Lisa's reaction to their concern, that she was also upset when she "heard", and the fans' subsequent reaction to that (no matter how loopy they may be, they documented their reactions pretty well in that blog). If Lisa had said "Well, Damien and I have been discussing it for ages and it just seems like the best thing..." well, that would've been a whole DIFFERENT bit of information that would have also been news.

So that's it, mostly I agree, there wasn't much news in there, but Lisa's reaction was news in and of itself, as brief a reaction as it was. That was my only point.

And Cille, I gotta hand it to you, I love your diligence about saying at the end of each post "This has gotta stop!", after posting in the thread one more time! I do the same thing, so I can relate!
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