Thread: happy and sad
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Old 05-26-2004, 04:14 PM   #29
Beat Surrender
Eskimo Friend
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: United States
Posts: 71

Originally Posted by Peter
i was not trying to insinuate that music can’t be political – just that damo’s music that i have heard is not political and i for one hope that it doesn’t become political… the music should speak for itself and not for or against the war on terror… i adamantly disagree with your above statement that bush’s war on terror is indefensible – and i am pretty certain my friends and professor who died on 9/11 would too – but does that mean that we can like the same music… music that talks about things more human than politics…

I could easily get into a debate with you about the supposed "war on terror" (that by the way has already been proven to have INCREASED the ranks of Al Queada as opposed to decimating them - which was predicted before we even went into Iraq). You and I both lost people we love in WTC so I'm sure you'd be suprised at how absolutely differently I see Bush's fake war (that has made Cheney and their henchmen unacceptably rich and our country depleted of young lives and billions and billions of dollars, and INCREASED the liklihood of a terrorist attack on the US).

BUT... this began with what is still an incredibly presumptuous opinion of yours about Damien's music. First off, you talked about the intent of his music - I say again, unless you are Damien himself you have no idea the INTENT of the music. You only know YOUR OPINION, just as I only know mine of the meaning of his music. Intent is not for you to say unless you wrote it.

And as for whether Damien's music is political or not, it may not be political in the "world affairs" realm of politics, but it is certainly political in the realm of "personal politics". Next time anyone on this board runs into Damien, it would be very interesting to hear his answer to the question "Would you describe your music as political?"

But at the end of the day Peter, another huge point that you seem not be aware of... musicians are people. People have opinions. Some people feel it is their civic duty to speak their opinions and act on them. Just as you are free to state your opinions about Bush's fake war on terror really being an effort to stop terrorism (as opposed to an effort to make his buddies rich, increase patriotism, and control oil and other political holdings in the Middle East, which is what ALL the evidence shows it was for), Damien is free to state his opinion that Ireland should not welcome Bush with open arms.

And... you're free to stop liking Damien or his music if you disagree with his viewpoint. But thank heavens Damien feels the need to speak his views. I hope the event has an awesome turnout.
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