Thread: "Enhancers"
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Old 11-15-2005, 04:38 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by PenguinBoy
i think i wish none of it existed at all.
not all good people are level, stable, unsusceptable to heavy addiction, secure and have control.
this is so true...

people here in america if they do develop a drug problem are treated like criminals. our incarceration rate is astronomically high due to the "war on drugs" and billions are wasted every year trying to "fix this problem" that always has and always will exist.

i'm in favor of harm reduction instead of this punishment approach that we take toward addiction in this country. i think addicts should be treated with dignity and offered services, rehabilitation, health care and yes even clean needles if necessary. i've seen up close and personal how people with a drug problem are treated and it's appalling... by doctors, counselors, just the general public... as if they're not even people really...

but you can't just wish it away because mood altering substances have been used since the dawn of time because.. people like to alter their mood. whether it's self-anesthethia from pain or just for a lift or a view into a different dimension of experience...
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