Thread: "Enhancers"
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Old 11-16-2005, 03:20 PM   #24
You Crazy Diamond
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Birmingham, UK
Posts: 192

Originally Posted by SisterMidnight
no. it's ridiculous when you think that no one has ever od'ed from weed or hash (ever) yet people can (and do) die from alcohol poisoning quite easily and yet it's legal and socially acceptable (and big business as well) and hemp has so many medicinal and environmental benefits yet because it was demonized and made illegal it's use became controversial... ffs more people od on aspirin in a year than have ever had any harmful effects from marijuana...

i agree with what revelate said about control being the key... where i live meth thrives and i've seen many lives destroyed by it, but really in the end that lies with the individual... there can be a biological component or predisposition to addiction but in the end it's a matter of choice and control. in my mind drug use is an individual and consentual adult issue and should not be controlled by government or societal expectations of upright behavior (pfft to the moral majority)
In my opinion, ppl only OD more on alcohol and aspirin than they do on weed is because weed is illegal. If weed were legal, the amount of OD's would shooot up greatly. Its because there is this restriction. Alcohol can be easily bought, weed cannot. but anyway weed is only one drug. There are plenty more out there.

Oh and by the way, what is salvia? And are poppers illegal? Cos i thought they were but they sell them at clubs and stuff.
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