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Old 06-27-2006, 02:20 PM   #25
Eskimo Friend
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Wow, I wasn't expecting such response.

I don't think one should ever stop learning, whoever posted the thing about the world class pianist still taking lessons... I agree with this, it only helps you stay sharp and challenges you. You never want to stop learning about music and theory can only help. That being said, simply because you are self-taught doesn't mean you can't be a great musician... but I think understanding music can only make you a better musician.

I've made music that I think is good, but do I understand it? No, not really. I'm not saying that music is always meant to be understood, or their is some formula. What I am saying is that there are aspects of music that CAN be understood and IMO can help you to make better music.

Understanding music and what makes this chord sound good followed by that chord only make a musician that much more adept at improvisation.

So, personally I feel I've reached my peak at being self-taught and getting a better grasp on theory will help me progress as a musician.

However, there are some musicians who really know very little theory and play what they feel and they make beautiful music... I'm not saying they are any less of a musician... what I am saying is that I don't believe they fully understand where their music could be if they learned more about their craft.

Just my opinion.... to each their own.
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